Mailbeam service host

Control Your Email with Ease and Precision

Assign unique addresses to your correspondents for real-time disposition decisions. For example, when you give an email address to your bank it might be, and an address you give to Facebook could be Later, if you start receiving spam mail to you know the bank email list has been shared or leaked. If the spam load gets out of control, Mailbeam can turn off that address.

Mailbeam Unique Email Service

Control incoming emails with unique addresses for each correspondent, providing a powerful protection against phishing emails. If you get an email purporting to be from a bank, but it's addressed to the address you gave Facebook- you know immediately it's a phishing attempt and can just delete it.

Easy Email Management

A Mailbeam address has three components:


The prefix and yourdomain are assigned to each user by Mailbeam. The correspondent is set by the user to give a unique name to each address. So every incoming mail carries enough information to make disposition decisions.

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black iphone 5 on white table
Efficient Email Sorting

When emails are received by Mailbeam, the 3 components are decoded and used for disposition decisions based on the user's selected options. Emails can take 3 paths:

  • If prefix doesn't match the email is dropped

  • if correspondent is on the block list, the email is rejected or dropped

  • Else, it is passed on to the destination email server.

If an email address is circulated in the spam community, it can get inundated with junk email. When that happens, just add that address to the Blocklist, and all incoming email to that address is immediately deleted.

Quick Decision Making
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Contact scrable
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man holding white tablet computer outdoor

Innovative Email Security Solution

Using Mailbeam, every email address you hand out is unique to that correspondent. It's constructed from your prefix then a unique string for that correspondent, for example {ab}-{wellsfargo}@..., or ab-facebook@...

If that email address gets out on the net, it could be used for a phishing attempt. But Mailbeam allows these threats to be identified easily: if you receive an email that pretends to be from a bank, say, but it is addressed to ab-facebook@... You know immediately that the email is a fake.

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person holding black iphone 5
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black laptop computer
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windows 7 logo on black background

About Mailbeam

Mailbeam offers unique email addresses for each contact, enabling real-time decision making and control over your incoming emails.

I love how mailbeam allows me to easily manage my incoming emails by assigning unique addresses to each correspondent. It's a game-changer for my productivity!

Sara M.

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macbook pro on black textile


Contact Us Today for Assistance

Reach out to us with any questions or concerns regarding our unique email service. We are here to help you manage your incoming emails effectively.


